Vehicle insurance

Automobile insurance is probably the most talked about and easily discussed insurance there is and yet there are still so many misconceptions. How much liability do you really need? Is it worth it for you to have collision on your vehicle?
Home insurance

Buying a home is probably the largest single financial investment you have ever made. For most people, their home is their life savings tied up in bricks and mortar – bricks and mortar that, no matter how well built, are vulnerable to fire, theft and other
Business insurance

For businesses and non-profit groups in Canada, having the right insurance is essential to surviving and thriving in a world that is full of opportunity, but also full of risk.
Boat insurance
Always keep everything afloat. We’ll help you navigate right through it.
Travel insurance
You spend so much time, energy and anticipation on planning your trips; yet access to free medical care and support is not a worldwide standard.
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Head office
A.C. Bourdeau Insurance Broker Ltd.
Redmond Insurance Brokers Limited
Marleau Bros. Limited
Leo Martin Insurance Brokers Limited